Join us for worship every Sunday morning at 10:30am
The RISE AND SHINE KIDS’ CLUB (Sunday School program) meets every Sunday at 9:15 AM.
The RISE AND SHINE KIDS’ CLUB--features units centered on Bible stories that will culminate in fun kid-oriented service projects. The Rise and Shine Kids’ Club meets every Sunday morning at 9:15 am. Kids aged three (and potty-trained) through 6th grade are invited to join in the fun. There is Adult Bible Class for the parents and other adults in Schafer Hall during Rise and Shine Club.

St. Paul’s is a congregation focused on living thankfully in the light of God’s gracious love, gathering in prayer for the community and the world, and actively working for justice and peace throughout.
When possible, Services are livestreamed on our YouTube page

Worship Bulletin
Children’s Bulletin
Sunday Insert

Upcoming Worship and more…
ABIDE Ministry @ St. Paul's
As God abides with us in community, God calls us to abide with each other and to understand the experiences and perspectives of others. St. Paul’s ABIDE ministry is committed to Accessibility, Belonging, Inclusion, Diversity and Equity for everyone who enters our space or is touched by our congregation.
Join us on March 9, 2025 - 1st Sunday in Lent
9:15 am - Rise and Shine Children’s Club AND Adult Bible Class
10:30 am - Worship Service
Wednesday Evenings During Lent
You are warmly invited to join us for Soup, Solace, and Scripture each Wednesday evening in Lent. Come and share in a simple meal, a time of comfort, and the joy of exploring God’s word together. We will gather to nourish both body and soul, creating a space where questions are welcomed, grace abounds, and God’s love is at the center. Whether you are in need of connection, reflection, or just a warm bowl of soup, there is a place for you at the table. We look forward to sharing this time with you! Wednesdays March 12, 19, 26, April 2, and 9 from 6:30 pm - 8:30 pm.
For more information, please contact the church office.
Lent Begins on Ash Wednesday, March 5th and continues until Easter Sunday, April 20th.
One way to practice almsgiving this Lenten season is to pick up an "alms jar" from the church and fill it with spare change over Lent. For example, instead of ordering that latte every morning at the coffee shop before work, make your coffee at home and put the money you save into your alms jar. On Easter morning, bring your alms jar to church and place it in the offering (and if you give us your envelope number, we will be able to record it on your giving statement). All money collected in alms jars this Lent will go towards deferred maintenance projects around the church property.
Shrove Tuesday Pancake Dinner March 4th!
We gathered on March 4th for a Shrove Tuesday Pancake Dinner. We enjoyed pancakes, sausage, fresh fruit, king cake and plenty of Lutheran coffee to wash it all down.
A big “Thank you” to those who organized the gathering - it was enjoyed by all!!
Report on Youth Sunday - January 26, 2025
January 26th was our annual Youth Sunday service, and what a glorious job our youth did! Overall, we had FORTY-ONE youth participants, who did everything from arranging the altar flowers and playing music to ushering and serving communion... and everything in between! It is a blessing and a privilege to have this many young people dedicate their time and effort to the glory of God-- we are thankful for their service!
The service is on YouTube in case parents, friends, grandparents etc. want to see it!
St. Paul’s Food Pantry: Proud partner of the Capital Area Food Bank, offering food to those in need on the 1st & 3rd Saturdays of each month from 10 am - noon. All those in need are welcome - no referral necessary.
Current Needs:
Food: White rice, soup, cereal and canned fruit.
Toiletries: Bar soap, shampoo, deodorant, and toothpaste.
Volunteers: Please consider volunteering, 1st and 3rd Saturdays, 9am-12noon. Please call the office at 202.966.5489 for more information.
2025 Schedule:
January 4 & 18 July 5 & 19
February 1 & 15 August 2 & 16
March 1 & 15 September 6 & 20
April 5 & 19 October 4 & 18
May 3 & 17 November 1 & 15
June 7 & 21 December 6 & 20
Opportunities for bible study and learning.
Bible study continues on Thursday afternoons at noon in Schafer Hall. All are welcome!
Sunday morning adult education takes place during Sunday school. All are welcome